Exam Required Within 6 Months for Prescription Refills

Understand why we may ask for an exam before filling your pets prescriptions.

Does your pet have a prescription medication that they need refilled? You may need an exam to do so.  Exams are due within 6 months of refilling a medication.  This is a standard that we must follow, and we understand that this may be frustrating so we are here to explain the reason behind this.  We hear many clients say that they don’t understand the need to make another appointment when it’s just to renew their pets prescriptions they’ve likely been on for some time. 

Perhaps you have had a similar experience with your own doctor. If everything is going well and there are no concerns, why would your doctor require an annual visit before issuing a long-term medication refill? 

Most often, your doctor may want to take a look to reassess and determine that what they have prescribed is still the best medication to treat your condition or if any changes need to be made. Medication guidelines change and evolve, and a periodic visit is the best way to be sure your treatment is current, effective, and safe. This is the same for our pets and their medications. 

Some medications we prescribe your pet may require a kidney or liver function blood test to ensure the patient's organs are functioning properly.  These organs are important for how our pet’s body will process their medications and other tests may be needed to check the level of medication in your pet’s bloodstream. Your pet may also be due for some routine preventive health screenings and vaccinations, which can be updated at the appointment we require before refilling any medications. 

When you request prescription refills for your pet and we say that your pet is due for a visit, approach it with an open mind rather than viewing it as an inconvenience. We’re looking out for their health and wellbeing and want to be sure everything is up to date and functioning properly before refilling their medications. The love we feel for animals drives us to do our best and we want the very best for your pets.

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